Re: Muffett's AuotHack

Tim Scanlon (
Tue, 23 May 95 12:04:40 -0400

Karl Strickland wrote:
|are you saying that it IS related? wrote:
|Dont recall you asking anyone else to withdraw it. You really
|can't get a cat back into a bag.

Alec Muffett wrote:

|Thank's for the critique; I never said that it was a *wonderful* paper
|- I just said that I was withdrawing it for the time being.

|Anyone who (through their interpretation of this statement) has made
|themselves look foolish by undertaking (and then hype-ing) some
|subversive redistribution in samizdat fashion, well...

|Let's just say that it's their own fault they look foolish. 8-)

I don't really know what's up with Proff's site, and I agree
with the notion that cat's don't much like being stuffed
in bags.

I also think this whole thing has gotten blown waaaaayyyyyyy out
of proportion. It's getting into the realm of the absurd.
As a result, and to forestall any more of this stuff,
I've put the file up for ftp on 2 locations currently, they
both ought to do the job, and in any event save the .au
link a bit of traffic,they are:

Of the two, the latter is probably easier to get through
on, as UUNET's ftp site is often busy. And lest anyone
bitch too hard about the distribution, I'll be perfectly
happy to stick it on 10 more locations too.

This is after all a full disclosure list. I'd only ask that
people not moan if it doesn't live up to the hype it's
aquired, Alec's been decent enough to make it avalible,
and he didn't say it was the be-all end-all on the subject
(I have only glanced at it so far, to ensure I was transfering
a non-corrupt copy, the above is not a judgment, just a
reaction to the flammage I've seen.).

Tim Scanlon

________________________________________________________________ (NeXTmail, MIME)  Tim Scanlon
George Mason University     (PGP key avail.)  Public Affairs
I speak for myself, but often claim demonic possession